I am a shamelessly lazy blogger who blogs rarely... Blogger of oTaKu DeSu!~ blogs about random otaku-ish stuff that she is recently obsessed with... and i am obsessed with a whole lot of random stuff~ =D


Thank you so very muchie for reading~ =D

Sunday, July 27, 2008

XD my drawings...=3

wee! finally i found the USB cable for my digi-cam...=3 this is so much clearer than what i can take with the web-cam...
XD these days, i love to design clothes for my OC drawings...

this drawing above, i kinda "copied" Haru Miura's hair(yes, that annoying girl from Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn) and Chrome Dokuro's pose... the hand appears to be a little too long though... >.> but this is my favourite of all my other drawings... Take a closer look at it???


Haru Miura

Chrome Dokuro


hehe... this i will edit with GIMP to try out the tutoring in Art Drawing Club
in Crunchyroll.

i want to try drawing and colouring it on the computer...=3 sounds fun... i wish i still have time to study... >.>
anyways, take a closer look at the blouse thingy or whatever... i designed it! =3


so~ what do you think... PLEASE comment something on it so i can improve... >.>


Anonymous said...

Haru looks kinda sad to me lol. But I like your second drawing, somehow slender legs and soft-frilly tops just ... you get what I mean :D

-ying- said...

okay, that's weird...XD... cause i finish that 2nd drawing in less than 10 minutes...XD

erm, i'm kinda slow and stupid, so i don't really get what you really mean >.< can you please explain what you think about the 2nd one? PLEASE~

and for that 1st drawing, i spent almost 1 day to finish it...>.> and yeah, i wanted to make her look a bit sad >.0 yeah! a success on the expression =3

thanks for giving me those comments! =3

oh btw, hani and i are wondering, are you female or male... we're just curious... XD

Anonymous said...

".. slender legs and soft-frilly tops are just.." actually just refers to a fetish of mine lol. I like tall girls who wear frilly clothing like that. Frilly, if you don't understand, is something alike the top part of your first drawing's dress around the waist/stomach. An example would be http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/641826/Oscar.jpg

Oh, and if you have to know, i'm a guy D:

-ying- said...

XD ooic... i finally got it now (i'm dense, i know... >.<)

thanks for the comments! oh, btw, Hani commented: "that blouse, dress thing is damn.........girly"

XD aiyah, don't worry, i appreciate true comments, i won't hit you wan...XDD

Anonymous said...

Isn't is alright for girls to wear girly things? Unless the guy is gay and prefers his girl to wear a football uniform D:

Anonymous said...

Such a controversial term, "..LOVE boys' things!.."

-ying- said...

XD what to do =p it's hard to change myself...

Anonymous said...

But it could also mean something erotic, eg. a guy's privates D:

-ying- said...

eh??? really??? ah~ i didn't notice anything... 0.0 (i'm the slowest in those thing...)

i think i'll change it to " i don't like girly stuff..." >.>

-ying- said...

XP deleted that thingy...XD

-ying- said...

man~ i wonder why am i THAT dense... and, why am i THAT terrible in putting my words together... >.> always turn out wrongly...damn...

Anonymous said...

Aww, it's alright. You're still young unlike me.

-ying- said...

>.> but most of the people in my class are somehow 'faster' than me... i'm the ONLY one who never get 'those' jokes...

Anonymous said...

It's called being innocent. And it's a good thing that makes lots of guys happy to treasure if you're their girl :D

-ying- said...

D= no way~...

Anonymous said...

Well, that just goes to say that i'm sure you're liked by everyone in your class.

-ying- said...

erm, i don't really know... but everyone will laugh at me when i listen to those 'jokes' which i don't get...

Anonymous said...

That just means you're not corrupted yet and don't know the true horrors of the internet D:

-ying- said...

XD that sounds horrfying... but internet IS horrifying... i should be studying by now for the test on Wednesday... but i ended up watching animes and reading mangas...T^T